Wednesday, April 8, 2020

COVID Lockdown Bored? Fill the time with some home improvement projects!

A lot of us have oodles of free time while we self isolate at home. So why not use all that free time to complete some home improvement projects? Keep busy and get that feeling of accomplishment to keep up our spirits! Here are some great project ideas to pass the time.

Oven Cleaning

When was the last time you really looked inside your oven. 😬 Life is usually so busy, areas like this get missed and now it seems like a daunting task. A lot of oven cleaning products are caustic and can burn your skin and lungs. I would recommend a low VOC skin safe option to tackle this sticky mess. Max Strip All Purpose Remover is just that and the Max Strip website has some great detailed removal tips for your oven.

Refinish Window Sills

Windows need a makeover? It can seem like too big of a project. But just take one window at a time to get a fresh new look in every room! Most paint and varnish strippers can be harsh on you and the environment. I would recommend an Max Strip option that is biodegradable, cleans up with just water, and has the low VOC skin safe perks to boot. Max Strip Paint & Varnish Stripper can safely strip paint or varnish from your wood window frames so you can apply that fresh coating for a long-lasting new look. 😍

Popcorn Ceiling Removal

No one wants that impossible to clean bumpy lumpy ceiling anymore but it seems like too big a job to remove. 😖 Max Strip Popcorn Ceiling Remover is specifically designed to be a dust-free DIY friendly removal option for painted popcorn ceiling textures. It works on textured walls and all other kinds of painted drywall textures too. 

Remove Graffiti

How about that eyesore outback you've been meaning to clean? Regular cleaners are not strong enough and you don't want to use something toxic, so try Max Strip All Purpose Remover! Yeah, it works on graffiti too! 😀

Sticker Removal

I'm sure the kids have been bored too! Want to remove stickers from glass and other hard surfaces? Max Strip All Purpose Remover can take care of it safely so you don't have to worry about fumes with your kids in the house. It also works great on tape residue and permanent markers. 😉

Refinish Old Furniture

Want to play with some 2 tone stains or a new chic look? 😎 Max Strip Paint & Varnish Stripper helps you strip off those old tired stains and peeling paints so you can get your home decor on! Max Strip lets you safely strip coatings from furniture inside your home without the worry of harsh fumes or environmental impact.

I commend all the people that are still going to work every day in essential service industries doing their best to keep the world turning in this crisis! For those of us that have to stay home all day and rattle around waiting for our days to get back to normal, it's just the best thing to do for now. If we can keep ourselves from going crazy with a few to do projects in and around the home we can all sleep a little easier at night. For more how-to projects visit today and thanks for reading!

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